Gaumonts illustrerede Uge-revy n°. 16 : aktuelle verdensbegivenheder optaget i levende billeder : 7te Aar.
Altri titoli: Gaumonts illustrerede Uge-revy n°. 16 : aktuelle verdensbegivenheder optaget i levende billeder : 7te Aar.
Gaumont's illustrated weekly review no. 16
Genere: Newsreel
Anno: 1916
Durata: 00:05:46
Descrizione: International newsreel with segments from Rome, where wounded soldiers recieve flowers, from fires at the harbour of Brooklyn and the parlamentary building in Ottawa, and finally various scenes from Lugano in Switzerland.
Parole chiave: EFG1914 / World War I
Fonte esterna: Nasjonalbiblioteket
Diritti: Not Copyright protected
Casa di produzione: Gaumont
Colori: Black & White
Sound: Without sound
Tipo documento:
Formato originale: Image/x-dpx
Language: no